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The E.R. Doc Made Me
Poop In A Bucket

How this mortifying nightmare led me
to discover a French “healing clay” that...

  • Proves why we needlessly suffer from poor gut health
  • Stops the worst bloating, cramping, and constipation
  • Burns off excess fat, and inches around the waist
  • And flushes out toxins inside the gut

“You’re full of "!@#$"!shit!”

“What? I’m serious… I’m in a lot of pain!”

“Oh, no doubt…”

“Look, here’s the X-ray of your stomach.
See all that white in your guts?”

“You are LITERALLY full of poop…
from your anus, up through your large intestines.”

At this point, I haven’t had a bowel movement in a solid two weeks. The nurse gives me laxatives and lots of water…

But nothing happens. So then the nurse grabs a bucket and puts it underneath me.

She puts on latex gloves, brings out a stretching device, and begins to… open me with it.

At this point I feel so ashamed of myself, but I’m also doped out of my mind. The pain comes in full force and I start shouting for more painkillers…

But the nurse tells me that they can’t give more because it will stop me up even more…

That I’ll just have to deal with it until they can “unclog me.”

It hurts like hell down there as she tells me to push.

So, I push. I push so hard that I feel like the blood vessels in my face are popping.

My head starts to pound. I’m pushing hard and she’s telling me to push more. I must have been screaming my head off, when finally…

I felt something give…

Hi, My Name is Andrea Boylan**

In the next few moments, I want to tell you how I FINALLY fixed my constipation once and for all…

How I can now empty my bowels every day… feeling complete, utter, blissful relief…

Which led me to losing 43 pounds, safely and naturally…

And transforming my figure...

As You’re About to See,
this SINGLE Discovery…

Proves why we needlessly suffer from poor gut health… Stops the worst bloating, cramping, and constipation… Burns off excess fat, and inches around the waist…

And flushes out toxins inside the gut.

As you’ll see in a moment, this breakthrough...

Isn’t a laxative

or fiber powder...

Nothing to do with drinking hot prune juice…

Gallons of water

Or using dangerous, oily enemas.

I tried all of those things, and I still ended up in the hospital.

But after that trip to the emergency room…

After everything I tried failed to work for me… I vowed to find answers to the aching, bloating, and fatigue that haunted me.

I decided to visit my GI doctor – again – for one last-ditch effort.

While sitting there in the waiting room, I felt like I was going to pop. My legs and back were screaming with burning knife-sharp pain. And all I could do was curl up and burst into tears.

That’s when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

There was now a woman sitting next to me, and I said,

“I’m sorry, excuse me” to her.

This woman was strikingly beautiful.

She looked like a modern-day Marilyn Monroe.

She smiled kindly, and in a foreign accent, she said,

“Oh no dear that’s fine, no worries.

That pain sounds really bad.

Well, at least you are at the right type of doctor for stomach pain.”

I tried to laugh, but it's hard to laugh when you are nearly crippled over in pain.

I said,

“Yes, if this doctor could only make me regular – then I know I wouldn’t have this stomach cramping anymore.”

This Gorgeous Woman
then Said to Me…

This Gorgeous Woman then Said to Me…

“Oh that’s easy to fix. I’m from France.

In the Montmorillonitic region of France where I grew up, everyone I know is regular.

Nobody there has constipation”.

“How is that possible?”

I asked her skeptically.

She Explained Their
French Secret:

She Explained Their French Secret:

“A long time ago, doctors in France discovered a special type of clay they called ‘Sun Clay.’

They found this clay had special things in it that did incredible things for people’s health.

Most notably, it seemed to get rid of constipation – and it also made the people who took it lose weight.

Anyway, me and everyone I know in this area of France eats a tiny pinch of this tasteless ‘Sun Clay’ daily to prevent or get rid of constipation, bloating, and gas.

It also keeps us French people famously thin.

This is even though we eat all kinds of calorie-rich and fatty foods like our daily French Bread, pastries, cheese, chocolate, rich cream sauces and of course our beloved red wine.”

I was Amazed and Shocked
When I Heard This Story!

It seemed like the answer to my real-life
constipation and fat nightmare.

I was Amazed and Shocked When I Heard This Story!

It seemed like the answer to my real-life constipation and fat nightmare.

But I was still skeptical.

I asked this beautiful French woman why she was at a gastrointestinal doctor’s office if she didn’t have constipation.

She said she had just turned 50 and was there for her colonoscopy. (I was stunned because she didn’t look a day over 40!)

When I got back home, I couldn’t open my laptop to start researching this “Sun Clay” fast enough.

And what I discovered was that everything she said was 100% true.

My Google research showed the interesting history of this “Sun Clay”, and also that there were a lot of studies proving how effective it is, which I’ll show you in a minute.

I later did a Google image search to see if this gorgeous French woman I met was indeed a famous celebrity or not.

Well, I found her, and discovered she was a very famous celebrity and had even dated George Clooney before he got married!

I couldn’t believe my luck in learning this French secret from this woman! (Or was it fate, karma or a miracle?)

I’ll Tell You My Results From
Using This “Sun Clay” in a Moment

And how YOU can get it to try for yourself

I’ll Tell You My Results From Using This “Sun Clay” in a Moment

And how YOU can get it to try for yourself

But first, it is important you know THE REAL REASON you have constipation and excess body weight now.

And why other solutions have NOT worked for you.

I learned all this from my research.

This is kept hidden from you and me on purpose so big corporations can keep making a lot of money from us.

According to many doctors and health experts…

YOU are carrying up to 19 pounds of waste in your colon from old food that has stuck inside your walls over the decades.

Sound hard to believe?

I thought so too until I considered this:

If you eat 1 pound of food a day, that’s 365 pounds a year.

If you multiply that by the last 10 years, you have eaten 3,650 pounds of food.

Even if less than only one half of 1% of this food you’ve eaten gets “stuck” inside your colon walls, that would be over 19 pounds of food that is stuck inside your colon walls now!

That is shocking, isn’t it?

This Stuck Food is What’s Causing Your Constipation and Extra Weight.

You see, your colon can only be in one of two states:

This Stuck Food is What’s Causing Your Constipation and Extra Weight.

You see, your colon can only be in one of two states:

  1. The blocked-up colon state – this is where you are now

You have constipation and it will only get worse, even if you use medicines and laxatives because your colon, gut and bowel are blocked up from old food stuck inside their tiny deep crevices.

This blocks up your digestive system.

This gives you constipation and belly bloat.


  1. The clean colon state – this is where you can be very soon

You poop easily every day and with no problems.

You have no bloating or gas or cramping. Your tummy is much flatter.

This is because the French clay cleaned out the old stuck food in your insides.

And now food flows through you healthily and normally.

In fact, the gorgeous French celebrity I met in the doctor’s office told me about a well-known saying in France:

“Si votre côlon est clair, vous ne pouvez
pas avoir de constipation ou de ballonnements”

In English, this means...

“If your colon is clear, you cannot have constipation or bloating.”

And when you look at the men and women in Montmorillonite France enjoying themselves…

Carefree at all ages with NO constipation or digestive problems or excess body weight, you know it must be true.

You are probably wondering WHY this French “Sun Clay” works so good, right?

Well, I was curious too, so I did a lot of research and talked to experts.

I emailed back and forth with a woman born in France and works as a nurse there.

Here’s what I learned and the first reason it works so good will make you mad like it did me because it is what laxative companies dont want you to know.

Laxatives Help You Poop, But They do NOTHING For the Food Stuck Inside the Walls of Your Colon.

And this is what keeps causing your constipation.

Laxatives Help You Poop, But They do NOTHING For the Food Stuck Inside the Walls of Your Colon.

And this is what keeps causing your constipation.

Laxatives do NOT fix the root cause of your constipation, bloating, and gas.

Taking laxatives (or stool softeners, fiber, stimulants, enemas, etc.) is like being on a boat that floods with water because it has holes in it…

And scooping out the water instead of patching up the holes in the boat!

Laxatives just treat the symptoms but NOT the cause which continues to get worse.

You see, your colon is the all-important “sewer system” of your body.

It is basically a large drainpipe for removing waste from your body.

Its purpose is to carry food your body cannot use to where it is eliminated in bowel movements.

But from decades of eating foods with additives, chemicals, and preservatives (as we all do) your colon is now overloaded with food stuck deeply in the tiny crevices of its 5-feet-long walls.

This “stuck food” is now buried deep inside the layers of your colon.

This clogs up your colon.

And just like any clogged pipe, it backs up.

To End Your Constipation, You Need to Remove This Embedded Food From Your Colon So It can Work Like It was Designed to.

To End Your Constipation, You Need to Remove This Embedded Food From Your Colon So It can Work Like It was Designed to.

Just like your car requires oil changes to clean out the old stuff and run its best…

Your colon requires cleansing to be cleaned-out and run its best.

Just think about it…

You shower, wash your hair, and brush your teeth regularly, but you do not clean yourself on the inside, in your colon.

Imagine what would happen if you never cleaned your house, never took out the garbage, or never took a shower.

What would happen to your body after 10 years of wallowing in filth?

Your body would likely be repellent and disgusting beyond belief.

Guess what?

If you ignore your colon for ten years (or twenty or thirty), the same thing is now on the inside of your body!

Listen to Gary Simelan from Tampa, Florida:

“They are amazed at my weight loss
(I lost 41 pounds)”

“I used to have the worst constipation and bloating you can imagine. I was also overweight and tired all the time.

But Gary’s life changed...

People now stop and ask me, ‘Is that you, Gary?’

When I say yes, they are amazed at my weight loss (I lost 41 pounds), how much younger I look, and how much energy I have.”

-Gary Simelan

Sandrah Lowell shared...

“Feel like a new woman
and lost 27 pounds”

“My constipation was absolutely devastating. It was debilitating, depressing, agonizing, and so misdiagnosed.

I had given up on doctors and no laxatives or other products worked well. Thank goodness for this French clay product.

Now I can have a good poop every day and I feel like a new woman. And the best part…I’ve lost 27 pounds too.”

-Sandrah Lowell

Andrea’s a huge fan right now...

“Was very skeptical – now a huge fan”

“I was very skeptical. I have tried almost everything out there. Nothing helped enough. Through the years I have tried cognitive behavioral therapy, bio-feedback, massage therapy, different diets, fiber of all kinds, and other therapies too numerous to mention.

Although some therapies were pleasant (some not), none made much difference for me. All I can say is it works, it works, it works! I was very skeptical, but now I am a huge fan of this for regularity and fat elimination.”

-Andrea Haliburton

And now YOU can enjoy this exciting improvement like Gary and countless others have.

This buildup of old food is causing you to have blockage.

This is the root cause of your constipation, bloating, and gas – and excess body fat.

This is Called Embedded
Food Syndrome (EFS).

This old food “stuck” inside your colon walls,
stomach, and bowel remains stuck inside you,
day after day for many years.

This is Called Embedded Food Syndrome (EFS).

This old food “stuck” inside your colon walls, stomach, and bowel remains stuck inside you, day after day for many years.

This stuck food sludge plasters onto the inside wall of your colon where it hardens even more over time in the colon’s folds and herniated diverticula.

This process can literally go on for decades just like an old steel water pipe that gathers corrosion over years and its inside diameter shrinks from 2.00 inches to 0.05 inches.

Constipation is a progressive illness where eventually you have total blockage of the colon or even more serious cellular issues.

This French Clay Secret is an all-natural supplement which binds onto and then carries out this food that is stuck inside your body.

This ends your blockage, so it ends your constipation, bloating, and gas and also makes you lose weight and gives you a flatter belly.

It is completely safe.

It has been used by millions of people since it was discovered by French doctors way back in the year 1740.

Overwhelming Proof This Works From Hospitals, Clinical Studies and Experts

This French “Sun Clay” acts like a
gentle intestinal vacuum.

Overwhelming Proof This Works From Hospitals, Clinical Studies and Experts

This French “Sun Clay” acts like a gentle intestinal vacuum.

This clay draws old, hardened food off the walls of your colon and out of any diverticula.

(These are the herniated sacs protruding through the wall of your colon, filled with old, putrid matter the medical books say we all have.)

This French clay has been proven effective by a clinical study on 524 people in France done at leading hospitals by renowned medical doctors.1 reports there are over 1,000 publications on bentonite clay which include 17 clinical trials and 11 human clinical trials.2

It is a powerful drawing agent, a powerful vacuum that literally removes the stuck food.

It actually absorbs up to 40 times its weight in old intestinal matter and waste.

It also draws out intestinal parasites.3

Here’s More Proof That It Works.

This bentonite clay has been used for
114 years as a chemical absorbent.

Here’s More Proof That It Works.

This bentonite clay has been used for 114 years as a chemical absorbent.

This acts in a very similar way to absorbing the food stuck in your colon walls, so you can poop it out and end the root cause of your constipation.

Dr. Weston A Price, in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration reported that several native cultures including those in the Andes, Central Africa, and Australia consumed clay for its health benefits.

WebMD reports,

“Studies show it may lower the amount of certain toxins in the body, like aflatoxins.” 4

In a study from Arizona State University, bentonite clay was found to be highly effective at killing MRSA as well as Salmonella, E. Coli and others.

A dirty colon is the ideal breeding ground for harmful intestinal parasites.

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. and Harvard Medical School, an estimated 50 million Americans have some type of unwanted living organisms called parasites living inside their bodies right now.

That is very impressive evidence that this works, isn’t it?

So now that I was convinced this French “Sun Clay” was the solution to my constipation and fat issues, I emailed my nurse friend in France and asked her how I could get this clay so that I could take it.

My nurse friend emailed me back in a couple days and said the best way to take this was in a supplement named:


Not Only Does it Contain the Purest Organic Form of This Clay...

But it also included some additional herbs in its tasteless little pills to make it work even better.

Not Only Does it Contain the Purest Organic Form of This Clay...

But it also included some additional herbs in its tasteless little pills to make it work even better.

Gentian root:

One of these additional herbs is Gentian root.

This natural herb has been used for centuries to help nourish the liver and support removal of bodily impurities.

It’s great for fighting inflammation and swelling too.


Another is Goldenseal.

This herb cleanses and promotes healthy glandular functions by increasing bile flow and digestive enzymes.

It also eases inflamed peptic ulcers, aids digestion, and relieves constipation.

Goldenseal is also a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent which destroys disease-causing organisms and infections that breed in decaying feces.

This extraordinary medicinal herb also contains hydrastine, a natural substance which reestablishes muscle tone in bowel walls and improves blood circulation.

Psyllium Husk:

Then there is Psyllium Husk.

This is a bulk-forming natural laxative and is high in bulkage and mucilage.

It is highly anti-inflammatory and normalizes bowel action.

It helps relieve constipation and speed up the passage of fecal matter by increasing and bulking up the volume of the stool.


Another nutrient in Consti-Slim™ is Rhubarb.

This nutrient has been traditionally used to treat episodes of constipation without creating a “lazy bowel”, which is a common side effect of repeated use of over-the-counter laxatives.

Rhubarb also promotes detoxification.

And that’s just the beginning.

Because There are 6 More Natural Ingredients Including the Probiotic Lactobacillus Acidophilus.

This powerful probiotic reloads your colon with the healthy intestinal flora it needs to digest and eliminate food properly.

Because There are 6 More Natural Ingredients Including the Probiotic Lactobacillus Acidophilus.

This powerful probiotic reloads your colon with the healthy intestinal flora it needs to digest and eliminate food properly.

As an extra bonus for you, this is included right into Consti-Slim™ so now you don't have to buy a separate and expensive probiotic supplement any longer.

The probiotic you should insist on is this Lactobacillus acidophilus.

It’s a type of spore-forming healthy bacteria that survives the acid barrier in your stomach and loads your colon with healthy bacteria to help end your constipation once and for all and have a healthier digestive system!

The Name of This Life-Changing Natural French Secret Supplement Again is Consti-Slim

And now, for the first time ever, it is available to citizens in this country from this announcement.

The Name of This Life-Changing Natural French Secret Supplement Again is Consti-Slim

And now, for the first time ever, it is available to citizens in this country from this announcement.

To recap, it helps end your constipation, bloating, and gas – plus gives you a flatter tummy and gets rid of your excess body fat.

It does this because its special nutrient discovered in France actually binds to and eliminates the food that is stuck inside your colon walls, stomach and bowel.

It's like a “search and destroy mission” for the old, embedded food that is stuck inside you – up to 19 lbs of it.

It acts like a gentle vacuum cleaner… or gentle “drain-o” to clean out the things that laxatives, fiber, suppositories, enemas or biofeedback simply can NOT do.

I’ll Tell You How to Get Your Own Supply of This Natural Supplement Consti-Slim in a Moment.

But first let me tell you what my results were.

I’ll Tell You How to Get Your Own Supply of This Natural Supplement Consti-Slim in a Moment.

But first let me tell you what my results were.

After I started taking Consti-Slim™, nothing happened for the first 3 days.

I was disappointed and afraid it wasn’t going to work for me.

“Oh no, maybe this is a fluke and I will be disappointed again,”

I desperately sighed to myself in both fear and nervousness.

But on the 4th day I had a bowel movement.

After seven days, I had shed off 7 pounds!!

I was ecstatic!! I literally cried because I felt that I could really transform and change my life.

You know that feeling.

But more importantly…

Now instead of being a prisoner to constipation like I was every day....

I was pooping regularly without causing excessive gas and bloating. I felt lighter, healthier, and happier!

Over the next 9 weeks, I lost 43 pounds without doing any crazy diet or exercise routine!

I have more energy than I’ve had since I was a teenager.

My new husband says I am much happier.

I don’t have to tell my husband “no” because I no longer feel bloated and tired.

It changed my life.

Basically, I Feel Like a New Person With a Second Youth!

And in just about a week from now,
YOU will enjoy these benefits too!

Basically, I Feel Like a New Person With a Second Youth!

And in just about a week from now, YOU will enjoy these benefits too!

In fact, the company actually guarantees you will. (More on that in a moment.)

Thousands of people say Consti-Slim™ is so much better than laxatives – and safer too.

You see, Harvard Medical School*** states,
long-term, regular use of laxatives can teach your bowel to rely on these medicines for help with bowel movements.5

Eventually, a laxative habit can contribute to your constipation.

That means it can make your constipation WORSE.

Over 4,700 concerned parents of the Facebook group "Parents Against MiraLAX" have banded together to stop the recommendation of MiraLAX because of its side effects.

Senokot and Dulcolax may be no better.

Long-term use of stimulatory laxatives like these can impair normal function of the colon and cause dependency on the medication.

Many doctors warn against taking stimulatory laxatives for more than a few days.

Indeed, the website states,

“When these laxatives are taken for a long time, the bowel can lose its muscle tone and ‘forget’ how to push the stool out on its own.”

After trying everything on the market , Consti-Slim™ is the ONLY product I personally use, the ONLY product I recommend to my friends and family.

You cannot get it on Amazon or in any store, as it is only available from this announcement.

The best part is, it’s super affordable.

Plus Consti-Slim Has Helped Thousands of Men and Women in the U.S. Shed Their Unwanted Body Fat

And overcome their constipation at the same time.

Plus Consti-Slim Has Helped Thousands of Men and Women in the U.S. Shed Their Unwanted Body Fat

And overcome their constipation at the same time.

Tammy was delighted to share...

“Poops Daily and Lost 34 Pounds…”

“Thank you for Consti-Slim™. It's such a GREAT feeling going from forcing and no poop – to now having a normal bowel movement about once a day with very little effort at all. I am on and off the toilet within 5 minutes with no straining whatsoever.

The last few days I am also getting "the feeling" of needing to go. That has never happened to me for as long as I can remember.

I have started to go out again. I feel good and I’ve lost 34 pounds since I started taking this supplement after nothing else had worked that great for me. ”

– Tammy Frankel

Next up is Mrs Maria from Austin…

“From Misery to Excitement – Glad I Didn’t Give Up”

“The past years I sought help from doctors were a disaster for me. I wouldn’t have a bowel movement for weeks, and then I’d spend forever on the toilet in terrible pain and not even go.

I had GI tests and was prescribed constipation medications, but none worked and just messed up my health in other ways too. I even had to call 911 and go to the emergency room twice to get an enema.

I was miserable. And needless to say this also made me crabby, tired and unhappy. Well I praise the Lord for two things, my patient husband and Consti-Slim™. Now I have an easy and fast bowel movement every day with no pain. It’s like I’m a new person, from misery to excitement.

I’m so glad I didn’t give up.”

-Mrs. Maria Zeidalwicz

And Many Others As Well.

Just see what they are saying…

And Many Others As Well.

Just see what they are saying…

“Keeps me regular, and normal.”

“I've suffered from chronic constipation nearly my whole life, until I found this. No cramping, no diarrhea. I'm now stimulant-free at 55.

Start with one capsule to see how it works for you before you go on to using two as the bottle recommended.

I use them approximately every other evening, as a normal regimen, and they keep me regular, and normal. Wonderful product. Thank God.”

-Rita Bradley

“Still Can’t Believe The Difference”

“I have been taking this for just under two months now. It works like a charm. It is many times better than anything else. I told my wife the other day I still can’t believe the difference (in my bowel movements and weight loss).”

-Jimmy Tasilov

I'm also down 2 sizes on my dresses

“This product is a lifesaver! I have switched to using this after taking a ridiculously unhealthy amount of stimulant laxatives, and I feel so much better. I have Gastroparesis, and will not go without taking something. I'm also down 2 sizes on my dresses, it's a side benefit that I absolutely love.”

-Tara Whitewood

Constipation Gone, Energy, Fun and Romance Back

“I took laxatives, enemas, colonics, etc., anything and everything in order to achieve elimination. I have been hospitalized, diagnosed, ridiculed, tested by the medical profession only to learn there is really not much that can be done for me. I didn’t go out socially unless I was forced.

But now with Consti-Slim™ my life has done a complete turn-around. My constipation is finally gone, and energy, fun and romance is back in my life. And I’ve also quickly lost 18 pounds with no crazy diet or exercise! ”

-Rebecca Salinas

So by now, you are probably wondering:

How Do I Get My Own Supply
of Consti-Slim Right Away…?

So by now, you are probably wondering:

How Do I Get My Own Supply of Consti-Slim Right Away…?

And you might also be wondering...

How Much Should I Take Each Day?

The truth is that there are only limited supplies available.

And that’s not a marketing gimmick or anything like that.

It’s the God’s honest truth.

You see, Consti-Slim™ is made in a GMP-certified facility and each batch is tested by an independent third-party laboratory.

To ensure that what's seen on the bottle is what's found on the inside.

Consti-Slim™ also contains NO GMOs, gluten, sugar, starch, salt, wheat, corn, yeast, soy derivatives, lactose, colors, or dyes.

The nutrients in this product are neither cheap nor easy to find…

Since many of these ingredients come from Europe.

What’s more, the growing popularity of
Consti-Slim™ is putting a serious strain on production.

And thousands of people around the world are quickly catching on to this natural remedy.

Which means temporary Sell-Outs and Out-of-Stocks will be common.

You see, the company can only produce a limited number of Consti-Slim™ at any given time.

And Because Consti-Slim Works So Well, Customers Keep Re-Ordering Several Bottles At a Time.

Which makes it even more difficult to keep in stock.

And Because Consti-Slim Works So Well, Customers Keep Re-Ordering Several Bottles At a Time.

Which makes it even more difficult to keep in stock.

With that being said though…

I also don’t want you or anyone else to continue to suffer from the frustration of constipation, bloating, pain, gas, or extra body fat.

Because I know first-hand how it can make every day feel like a struggle.

And especially now when this natural solution Consti-Slim™ will change your life and let you have an easy bowel movement every day and have the slimmer body you dream about.

And all this in a drug-free product which you cannot get addicted to and that has no side effects.

Which is why in just a moment…

I’m Going to Share How to Get
a Supply of Consti-Slim Today
at a Huge Savings

As part of the company’s
“Be Regular and Slim Down” campaign.

I’m Going to Share How to Get a Supply of Consti-Slim Today at a Huge Savings

As part of the company’s “Be Regular and Slim Down” campaign.

But before I do that, let me return to that second question:

How Much Consti-Slim™ Should You Take Every Day?

This is actually pretty straight forward.

Just take 2 capsules a day with either your lunch or dinner.

That’s literally all it takes!

Now here's why it's important to take
Consti-Slim™ for at least 90 or more days.

The high-powered ingredients inside of Consti-Slim™ start to work immediately.

The benefits begin to work on your “inside” from Day 1.

And the Longer You Use
Consti-Slim, the More the Nutrients Build Up in Your Body….

Which makes it even more effective.

And the Longer You Use Consti-Slim, the More the Nutrients Build Up in Your Body….

Which makes it even more effective.

So that’s why I recommend you take Consti-Slim™ for at least 90 days, and ideally for longer.

And don’t just take my word for it.

Mary Beth Tomko’s experience is a typical example.

She was 50 pounds overweight and only having a bowel movement every 6 or 7 days on average before she tried this supplement.

The first day Mary Beth took Consti-Slim™ nothing happened.

She did NOT have a bowel movement that day.

But she kept taking Consti-Slim™ faithfully every day.

And as the nutrients built up in Mary Beth’s body, everything changed…

Mary Beth started to have a bowel movement every second day.

Then soon after that she started to have a bowel movement almost or every single day.

Mary Beth told me,

“I was incredibly surprised this works so good because I tried many products over the years and was always disappointed. I am now having a bowel movement every day and its easy. I also have more energy, clearer skin and I’ve lost over 32 pounds.”

-Mary Beth

It’s For All of These Reasons that I Personally Recommend Choosing at least 3 Bottles of Consti-Slim

(that’s a 3-Month Supply)

It’s For All of These Reasons that I Personally Recommend Choosing at least 3 Bottles of Consti-Slim

(that’s a 3-Month Supply)

Or 6 bottles (that’s a 6-Month Supply) for an even bigger savings and so you don’t run out or risk the company being out of stock.

Now, I want you to know that Consti-Slim™ is NOT available on Amazon or any other website.

It is only available ONLY on this website.

Now here’s the huge discount savings I mentioned before.

Normally Consti-Slim™ retails for $89 for a 1-month supply.

  • And when you consider how much not having any more constipation is worth to you
  • How much many hours of extra newfound time you will have every week to get things accomplished or just have fun
  • And how much money you will save in healthcare costs

This $89 for a 1-month supply would be a very fair price.

But right now and through this website only...

As a New Customer,
You Can Get Consti-Slim Today
at a Huge Discount.

As a New Customer, You Can Get Consti-Slim Today at a Huge Discount.

Unlike some conventional solutions, Consti-Slim™ is non-habit-forming… which is a huge relief to so many customers.

Because they love knowing they don’t have to fear getting hooked on over-the-counter laxatives, other medicines or pills.

Plus, on top of all of that…

Consti-Slim™ doesn’t come with the nasty side effects that are found in so much of modern medicine.

Which is absolutely HUGE!

When considering all of that, $89 for Consti-Slim™ would be a really fair deal.

Plus, There's All the Benefits
Money Can't Buy Like:

Plus, There's All the Benefits Money Can't Buy Like:

  • Waking up each day with a huge burst of energy
  • Being slim and trim and healthy and feeling great about your body again
  • Getting those desirous glances and compliments from members of the opposite sex and your mate
  • Enjoying delicious foods again without having to worry about how they will affect you

Thinking of all of this…

$89 for a month's supply seems like a steal to me.

Yet despite all of that…

I’ve made sure you will NOT pay anywhere close to $89 for Consti-Slim™.

That’s because like I said before…

I want to help as many people as possible.

And the company behind Consti-Slim™ couldn’t agree more.

Which is why when you click and order right now…

You will Get Your Very Own Supply
of Consti-Slim for a One-Time Investment of Just $49 for a
1-Month Supply

Which is a savings of $40 a month off
the regular $89 price for you!

You will Get Your Very Own Supply of Consti-Slim for a One-Time Investment of Just $49 for a 1-Month Supply

Which is a savings of $40 a month off the regular $89 price for you!

And that’s just the beginning.

I realize that many people may want to keep taking Consti-Slim™ for a while...

And the fact that there really are limited supplies available…

I can understand why they’d want to stock up on 3 or 6 bottles of Consti-Slim™ today.

It’s for this reason that our team has created a substantially discounted multi-bottle plan.

Where folks can stock up and save big on 6 bottles of Consti-Slim™…

For just $33 per bottle.

That is only 1.17 cents a day!

Which is a huge savings of $336 when you order right now.


30 Day Supply


Per Bottle



+ Free Shipping


180 Day Supply


Per Bottle

YOU SAVE $336!


+ Free Shipping


90 Day Supply


Per Bottle

YOU SAVE $150!


+ Free Shipping

WARNING March 2025: Prices for Consti-Slim will be increased next month. Confirm Your Reserved Bottles NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

WARNING March 2025: Prices for Consti-Slim will be increased next month. Confirm Your Reserved Bottles NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

But this special discount is only being guaranteed today only through this website and as part of Consti-Slim™’s “Be Regular and Slim Down” campaign.

And today only, they are going to give you FREE shipping and handling…

Which is a $9.95 value.

But both the discount and the free shipping are for today only.

And only while supplies last.

So Choose The 6 Bottle
Package (Or Any Other Package
That’s Right) Below

And secure an order today while
there are supplies in stock!

So Choose The 6 Bottle Package (Or Any Other Package That’s Right) Below

And secure an order today while there are supplies in stock!


30 Day Supply


Per Bottle



+ Free Shipping


180 Day Supply


Per Bottle

YOU SAVE $336!


+ Free Shipping


90 Day Supply


Per Bottle

YOU SAVE $150!


+ Free Shipping

WARNING March 2025: Prices for Consti-Slim will be increased next month. Confirm Your Reserved Bottles NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

WARNING March 2025: Prices for Consti-Slim will be increased next month. Confirm Your Reserved Bottles NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

After choosing a package…

You will be redirected to a 100% Secure and encrypted checkout page.

There is nothing to worry about here because the company uses the highest level of encrypted internet technology for the safety and security of your credit card information.

This is the same security that, and the world's biggest banks use on their websites where there’s a simple order form to fill out.

And after that…

Your order of Consti-Slim™ will be shipped to you and will arrive within 5 to 7 business days of now.

So looking at the facts…

This Is One Of The Smallest, Yet Smartest Investments You Will Ever Make For Your Health

This Is One Of The Smallest, Yet Smartest Investments You Will Ever Make For Your Health

Something that will not only end your constipation, bloating, and pain…

But that will slash your fat off quickly for sure and give you a new surge of happiness and energy every day.

So that you will start living your best life again…

The life that you were MEANT to be living.

  • A single bottle of Consti-Slim™ puts you on the path to the life you want naturally.
  • Three bottles guarantees you can keep taking Consti-Slim™ without interruption.
  • And with 6 bottles of Consti-Slim™, you will be taking the best step to set yourself up to enjoy your ultimate life for many years to come.

So Go Ahead and Choose a Package
of Consti-Slim Now While There are Still Supplies In Stock…

And enjoy the peace of mind that comes with supporting your health today!

So Go Ahead and Choose a Package of Consti-Slim Now While There are Still Supplies In Stock…

And enjoy the peace of mind that comes with supporting your health today!


30 Day Supply


Per Bottle



+ Free Shipping


180 Day Supply


Per Bottle

YOU SAVE $336!


+ Free Shipping


90 Day Supply


Per Bottle

YOU SAVE $150!


+ Free Shipping

WARNING March 2025: Prices for Consti-Slim will be increased next month. Confirm Your Reserved Bottles NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

WARNING March 2025: Prices for Consti-Slim will be increased next month. Confirm Your Reserved Bottles NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

Are you hesitant or skeptical?

Well, now you don’t have to be because…

Your Investment Today is
Also Covered By a 365-Day,
100% Money Back GUARANTEE

That’s right, you don’t risk a dime.

Your Investment Today is Also Covered By a 365-Day, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE

That’s right, you don’t risk a dime.

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

At Simple Promise™, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us. Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee states that either you’re 100% satisfied, or your money back. You can place your order safely knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong.

Give Consti-Slim™ a try and see the difference it brings to your life. If at any time you are not happy with Consti-Slim™ , just send back your empty bottles and we will refund you immediately. No questions asked. We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.

Here’s how it works.

Right now just place your order and when you do, you are just saying “maybe”.

Then once you get your bottles of Consti-Slim™ in a few short days from now…

Start taking it and see how you feel.

If you’re like Consti-Slim™’s other loyal customers…

You will fall in love with what Consti-Slim™ does for you every night and day!

But there is ZERO risk to you because of our guarantee.

If for some reason you’re not 100% fully satisfied with Consti-Slim™…

If you don’t experience dramatic weight loss results and lose 10, 20, or 50 pounds of unwanted belly fat and restore your slender figure...

We Will Give You a Full Refund,
No Questions Asked.

Just call or email Consti-Slim™‘s award-winning, 24/7 U.S.-Based Customer Service Team and they’ll send a full refund to you immediately.

We Will Give You a Full Refund, No Questions Asked.

Just call or email Consti-Slim™‘s award-winning, 24/7 U.S.-Based Customer Service Team and they’ll send a full refund to you immediately.

You won’t be out a single dime.

No questions. No hassles.

Could anything be more fair?

This means there’s no downside at all for you…

It’s a 100% risk-free investment that comes with lots of guaranteed benefits for you.

And there’s an entire year to see if Consti-Slim™ is right for you or not.

So go ahead click and try Consti-Slim™ risk free now and choose from one of the package options below.

The ball is now in your court, and it’s time to see if you’ll step up and take a shot.

Remember: this major discount you’re getting on Consti-Slim™ is only available on this website and it won’t be around for long.

Because of ingredient shortages and pressure from billionaire pharmaceutical giants…

I would hate for you to return to this page tomorrow, or in a week from now and see “OUT OF STOCK” in big letters.

  • Say “YES” to beating your health struggles
  • And “YES” to living a happier, healthier, and better life like thousands of other people already are

YES! It’s Time to Put your Health “Under New Management” and Secure Your Supply of Consti-Slim Now!

YES! It’s Time to Put your Health “Under New Management” and Secure Your Supply of Consti-Slim Now!


30 Day Supply


Per Bottle



+ Free Shipping


180 Day Supply


Per Bottle

YOU SAVE $336!


+ Free Shipping


90 Day Supply


Per Bottle

YOU SAVE $150!


+ Free Shipping

WARNING March 2025: Prices for Consti-Slim will be increased next month. Confirm Your Reserved Bottles NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

WARNING March 2025: Prices for Consti-Slim will be increased next month. Confirm Your Reserved Bottles NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

Start Living A Normal Life Again

Start Living A Normal Life Again

You’ve seen overwhelming proof from leading hospitals in France, Harvard University Medical School and other leading researchers.

You will soon overcome the Embedded Food Syndrome (EFS) which is causing your slow poop transit time and your constipation.

The famous French celebrity woman explained it all…

There is almost NO CONSTIPATION in her region of France because of the special bentonite clay in Consti-Slim™.

Now It’s Time to Make a Decision

Right now you’re standing at an important crossroad, you can choose to go down two very different paths.

Now It’s Time to Make a Decision

Right now you’re standing at an important crossroad, you can choose to go down two very different paths.

Option one:
You can stop following this announcement and leave this page.

Do nothing.

Keep going the way you are now, feeling guilty with every bite you take, wondering why it's so hard for you to shake off these pounds and stay slim for good.

Continue the agony of experiencing bowel movement only after every 6 or 7 days...

And still expect heaviness, bloatedness and a swollen stomach.

In short, go through living hell all over again.

That's the way the mainstream health industry is set up.

They don't want you to reach your goals because that way you'll keep spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on their expensive products.

I bet you already know the outcome of taking this option because you've experienced it many times before.

That feeling of hopelessness, of being trapped in a body you hate.

That feeling of getting heavier and more exhausted week after week, wondering why you've lost that youthful body and zest for life.

I know you don't want that.

Or go with...

Option two:
You risk nothing at all today.

Secure your supply of Consti-Slim™ right now, and see for yourself how well it works and how simple it is.

  • You say goodbye to your belly fat for good. All that bloat, swollenness, and gas is gone.
  • You can start enjoying life again.
  • You can enjoy your favorite foods and desserts without worry.
  • You can live a long happy life with the energy you need to and what you enjoy most.
  • You can take vacations, eat at restaurants without shame or embarrassment, play with your children or grandchildren for hours.
  • You can be free.

All possible after you pick your preferred option below.


30 Day Supply


Per Bottle



+ Free Shipping


180 Day Supply


Per Bottle

YOU SAVE $336!


+ Free Shipping


90 Day Supply


Per Bottle

YOU SAVE $150!


+ Free Shipping

WARNING March 2025: Prices for Consti-Slim will be increased next month. Confirm Your Reserved Bottles NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

WARNING March 2025: Prices for Consti-Slim will be increased next month. Confirm Your Reserved Bottles NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

Please Don’t Ignore Everything
I’ve Said My Friend.

Don’t ignore the iron-clad proof I’ve shown you.

Please Don’t Ignore Everything I’ve Said My Friend.

Don’t ignore the iron-clad proof I’ve shown you.

And continue to be a slave of “constipation hell” and that unsightly ugly body fat when you don’t have to anymore.

If you put this off, nothing will get better in your life.

And it’s obvious that something must change for you right now.

Because a life with constipation and frustration and having excess pounds…

Where you are always worried about a big
life-threatening health disaster happening because of your constipation or weight and what it will mean…

Well, that’s no life at all.

Especially now that I’ve shared my story with you and told you how Consti-Slim™ will give you an easy and pain-free bowel movement each day.

Give you the energy level you want and deserve and give you the slimmer body and health you want to make your dreams come true.

That’s why I have made it very easy to say “YES” to Consti-Slim™ right now.

So go ahead and claim your order of Consti-Slim™ by choosing from one of the packages below.


Your investment is protected by a 365-Day Money Back Guarantee, which means there’s absolutely no risk.

So break free of frustration and choose a package right now.

And start living a better life.

I can’t wait to hear about your success.

Still there?


That means you probably have a question I can answer.

So here are a few of the most common questions I get and my answers to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

That is a great question.

It is for anyone who wants to end their constipation and lose their excess fat once and for all naturally and in a guaranteed way.

It works for men and women of all ages and health issues, regardless of their diet or how many things they have tried before.

It does this by overcoming the Embedded Food Syndrome (EFS) which is the root cause of your slow poop transit time and your constipation.

This is the only and first-ever-in-the-world formulation for this purpose, with the unique formulation proven to work for millions of people since first discovered in the Montmorillon region of France in the 1740 and used by millions of people.

  • Consti-Slim™ is the only product in the world that includes bentonite clay and the 10 additional nutrients in this precise formulation.
  • This overcomes this overlooked syndrome that almost no doctors know about.
  • This ends your blockage, so it ends your constipation, bloating, and gas and also makes you lose weight and gives you a flatter belly.
  • The ingredients in Consti-Slim™ are backed by clinical studies that prove their effectiveness.

Bad genetics don’t matter.

Previous failures don’t matter even if you’d failed on 10, 20 or 30 products and procedures before.

That’s because these other products never had a chance of working, because your body NEVER before overcame the Embedded Food Syndrome (EFS).

This happens more often than you might think.

Now, the only question is when does this become a problem?

The main thing you want to make sure you do is hydrate.

Drink water and keep your body hydrated so it facilitates the removal of unused body fat.

If you find you’re losing more than a pound a day, it might be time to taper back the dose a bit.

Just take 2 capsules a day with either your lunch or dinner.

You can take Consti-Slim™ daily to feel better, keep your digestion strong and healthy, stay slim, and enjoy more energy.

Consti-Slim™ has been taken by thousands of people with no reported side effects.

You might experience some nights where you don’t want to go to sleep when your energy levels soar through the roof.

You will also “go” more easily and regularly which I believe is something that you want.

You also might have friends pestering you and asking what you’ve been up to look so good.

But we trust those are minor annoyances.

Yes of course.

With every order of Consti-Slim™, you are protected by our iron-clad 365-day money-back guarantee.

That’s a full entire year of protection for you.

If you are not thrilled with the benefits you get from Consti-Slim™, simply send us back the bottle for a full refund.

Even if it’s empty...

This way, there is absolutely no risk at all to giving Consti-Slim™ a try.


We wanted to be in charge and in control of the entire supply chain process.

So as to ensure that we have quality control from beginning to end.

Because of that, we do not allow other wholesalers or companies to sell Consti-Slim™

We understand that there might be knock-off cheaper versions of our product sold elsewhere.

You will want to refrain from buying from non-authorized sellers as we cannot confirm the authenticity of their product.

You can only get Consti-Slim™ with us on this website.

As long as possible.

As long as we can keep it online.

Keep in mind that we only source the highest-quality ingredients and Consti-Slim™ is selling fast.

Once we run out, it can take us 3 to 6 months or more to create another batch.

Better secure your order of Consti-Slim™ now.

Those are the Most Common Questions I Get About Consti-Slim

Hopefully, your question was answered there.

Those are the Most Common Questions I Get About Consti-Slim

Hopefully, your question was answered there.

But if you’re still wondering if it’s right for you…

The only way to find out now is to claim your desired package by clicking on one of the three buttons and completing your secure order.

Try it out.

Feel the life-changing effects and then decide to keep it.

Isn’t it just better to find out now rather than wondering “What if…?” for the rest of your life?

Your body and your health are all you really have… and your enjoyment of life and the world around you is based on how you feel.

And let’s face it: Life is short.

There are not many things you can buy at this low cost that will do so much for you.

I know you're sick of seeing your ugly, flabby belly fat staring at you every time you look in the mirror.

Or pretending it doesn't bother you, and that you're okay with the body that you have right now.

Until your final days, you'll be a burden on your family and friends.

I know you don't want that.

This is Your Chance to Lose All Those Pounds of Decaying Fecal Residues

That are bloating and cramping
your belly and making you miserable.

This is Your Chance to Lose All Those Pounds of Decaying Fecal Residues

That are bloating and cramping your belly and making you miserable.

There isn’t a faster, easier or better way to improve your health, your appearance, and your emotional state than by cleaning out your toxic gunked-up insides with Consti-Slim™.

I’ll be upfront.

I can’t promise this will put years on your life.

No one can.

But it will put life into your years.

There’re not many things you can buy for such a low price that will do so much for you.

You can eat a meal at your favorite restaurant or fill up your gas tank one time.

But how many things can actually change your life and the quality of your everyday experiences for that price?

I can’t think of many.

You either continue to miss out on having the great life experiences we’re all entitled to…

And rob yourself of the vibrant, energetic life you deserve…

Or you take the better option.

The only option, really, that makes any sense at all.

Which is to Simply Try
Consti-Slim and Help Your Body
Do What It was Meant to Do.

You don’t know what it’s like trying something
that works the way it’s supposed to.

Which is to Simply Try Consti-Slim and Help Your Body Do What It was Meant to Do.

You don’t know what it’s like trying something that works the way it’s supposed to.

Imagine waking up in the morning fully rested and ready to take on the world…

And all the opportunities life has to offer.

Go ahead and click the button below and pick from three money-saving options.


You’re fully protected by our 365-day guarantee, and you’ll love how it makes you feel.

If you don’t notice a rapid and powerful awakening of your body, just give us a call or send us an email.

And we’ll refund your purchase in full.

You really have nothing to lose.

But a healthier, lighter, thinner, more energized body to gain.

You'll simply be happier, and love the way you look and feel.

Make it a great day today, a Consti-Slim™ day.


30 Day Supply


Per Bottle



+ Free Shipping


180 Day Supply


Per Bottle

YOU SAVE $336!


+ Free Shipping


90 Day Supply


Per Bottle

YOU SAVE $150!


+ Free Shipping

WARNING March 2025: Prices for Consti-Slim will be increased next month. Confirm Your Reserved Bottles NOW Before Your Discount Expires.

WARNING March 2025: Prices for Consti-Slim will be increased next month. Confirm Your Reserved Bottles NOW Before Your Discount Expires.


[] Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2005 Feb 15;21(4):435-44.



